
March 2016 Newsletter


MARCH 2016

P.O BOX 171 PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142-0171

PHONE 387-5788

                                 CALENDAR 0F UPCOMING EVENTS:

       Next Club Meeting: Friday April 8th. (BOD mtg starts at 6:30 and general mtg starts at 8:00)

       A bow course will be held at the clubhouse on Saturday , March 26th.

       Annual MRC Awards banquet will be Saturday, April 9th. See newsletter for details

       Friends of the NRA banquet is Friday, April 22. See details in newsletter

       Trout Fishing Derby will be held the 25th of June

       Archery Shoot Fish Dinner: will be held Friday, July 29th from 5-7 pm.

       MRC 3D Archery Shoot will be the weekend of July 30th. See newsletter for details

       4 Wheeler Weekend will be the weekend of 20th of August

       Archery Shoot (one day event) scheduled for August 28th.

MEETING: The meeting was called to order by Dave Dano at 8:00.



ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERSHIP: The following individuals were placed on the 30-day review list: Samuel Monnat sponsor Scott Monnat, Colby Nevills sponsor Bill Gould, Daniel Norton sponsor Craig Norton, Tobi Montgomery sponsor Bill Gould, and Andrew Fults sponsor Tim Ridgeway.

The following individuals are moving to the permanent waiting list: Joe Wasliweski sponsor Rachel Pitkin, Robert Seeley sponsor Joe Iauco, George Muller sponsor Joe Iauco, Matthew Cooper sponsor Mel Reid, Eric Jones sponsor Ken Burd, Joey Arton sponsor Kevin Arton and Timothy Beutel sponsor Paul Shelmindine.



Dorothy Parker had knee replacement surgery. Is home and recovering.

Jack Keach had a kidney operation.

Jeremy Irwin had hand surgery.

Bill Strother had hip surgery

John Malinowski had knee surgery.

As a member learns of someone who is sick or someone has passed, please contact the following:

Brian Dano at 315-243-1994

Or: Leave message at 625-7331 with Charlene

Or: E-mail

Or: E-mail

Also, if any member knows of a deceased member from last year, please let the board know so we can get there names on the plaque in the clubhouse. Thank you


MRC Annual Awards Banquet: The annual awards banquet will be held Saturday, April 9th at the clubhouse. Cocktail hour starts at 5:00 with dinner being served at 6:00. The dinner will be a pork loin with various salads and desserts. There is no charge for this dinner but members need to make reservations. For reservations, please contact Kent Taber at 315-387-3871. Reservations need to be in by April 4th. Also, if you are looking for a workday, Kent Taber needs help to set up this dinner, which is a good opportunity for a workday.



MRC Annual Elections: The nominations were closed at the end of the March general meeting. The following are the nominations for club positions:

President: Dave Dano                                               3 yr Board of Director Positions:

1st Vice President: Kent Taber                                         Chris Conway

2nd Vice President: Dick Palmer                                     Ralph Gregory

Finaincial Secretary: Rachel Pitkin                                 Bob Shelmindine

Assistant Finacial Secretary: Ron McNitt

Treasurer: Brandon Hines                                         2 yr Board of Director Positions:

Assistant Treasurer: Will Milton                                     Gary Daniels

Recording Secretary: Mark Bishop                                 Jeff Moshier

Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen                                     Gary Crawford

Assistant Newsletter Editor: Todd Brown

                                                                                   1 yr Board of Director Positions:

                                                                                           Frank Hilliker

                                                                                            Larry Yerdon

The April meeting will have the club vote on the above named positions and personnel.



ANNUAL 4 WHEELER WEEKEND: This event will be held the weekend of August 20th. As in years past it will be held on Camp Road 1 with a chicken dinner, with people bringing dishes to pass. This is a great event for the club. As more information becomes available I will update this message.




Ken and Gerry Burd Environmental Studies Scholarship

The extended family of Ken and Gerry Burd has instituted a scholarship fund, in their name, in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded yearly. This year we would like to invite any member, member’s child or grandchild contemplating an Environmental degree, to apply.

The recipient must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student, pursuing a degree in Environmental Engineering, Wildlife Management, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Law Enforcement, Agricultural Engineering or other closely related Environmental field.

The Selection Committee will award the scholarship based on academic performance, school and community activities/involvement, 2 letters of recommendation and

a short essay regarding their choice of profession.

Applications are available by contacting Ken or Gerry at 315-652-7095,, or at the address below.

All requested information must be postmarked no later than April 1st of the current year.

Please complete and return the application to:

Ken & Gerry Burd

8149 Morgan Rd.

Clay, NY 13041



MEMBERSHIP BUTTONS-We, Ken Burd and friends, are looking for ex club members and current club members to donate old membership and guest badges. We want to get one of each year as far back as we can. The older ones will be the challenge of course. If you know a deceased members family and could contact them so see if they had any of the older badges that would be a great help. If you would like me to contact the family give me a call at 315-652-7095 or e-mail

I can pick up any donations at club meetings or contact me and I will make arrangements to pick up badges. Once we collect enough of the badges we will display them at the clubhouse in shadow boxes. Thanks for the help.



Annual Gun Raffle: Mark Bishop said the gun raffle would be held the month of September. He will start with tickets in June. As I get updates from Mark I will update this post. ALSO Mark is stepping down as gun raffle chairman after this year. We would like to have a volunteer step forward to run this event. This is a huge money making event for the club and we would like to continue this event.



Federation Report: The Oswego County Fair will be held from August 10th through the 14th. This is a good chance to get in a workday. Please contact Chuck Parker at (315) 963-8413 if you can help.

The federation is looking for donations of old hunting magazines. They will be used to supply local doctor offices to help promote hunting and fishing. Contact Chuck Parker.

Federation is looking for outdoor pictures. Contact Chuck Parker.

The New York State Conservation Council is looking for new members. You can apply via website Or contact Chuck Parker.

Oswego County Federation Banquet will be held on April 16th at the Thunder Island Park in Fulton. See for further details.



Friends of the NRA Dinner: The 24th Annual Banquet will be held on Friday, April 22 at Traditions at the Links. The Links is located at 5995N. Burdick Drive, East Syracuse, NY. Doors open at 5:30 pm and tickets start at $45.00 . For more ticket information contact: or call (315) 695-3981



Annual 3D MRC Archery Shoot: This shoot is a 40-target Modified IBO shoot. The dates are Saturday and Sunday July 30th and 31st. There is a Friday night fish fry on July 29th that starts at 5pm and goes to 7pm. The shoot is open to the public and entry fees range from $20.00 for teens and adults, to $5.00 for cubs. Registration for both days goes from 8 am to 10 am. There will be food, raffles and drawings each day. Also, vendors will be setting up on site. For further information you can contact Bill Killam at (315) 387-3350



Important DEC Hunting Course Information: All the hunting classes will be posted on the DEC website. Also, a new program will be homework for the hunting classes prior to participation. Due to the amount of material covered at the hunter safety classes, the DEC felt it would be helpful to have class participants complete an online homework assignment prior to attending the hunter safety class. This homework will be posted on the DEC website and will be required to be completed prior to attending a class. Gary Crawford, said an instructor could refuse attendance if the homework in not completed.




MRC WEBPAGE: A reminder to club members to subscribe to the webpage. There are no subscription fees. As a subscriber to the website you will automatically be sent an update message so you can be made aware of any club news updates. As I get information from the board between meetings I post it to the webpage.



Pictures: I encourage people to send me pictures of various club events so I can get them posted on the webpage.



Archery Fund Raiser: Bill Kiliam has expressed a need for help selling ad space in the newspaper. He said he needs this help to help raise money for the archery event this summer. This event is a well attended event and brought in a substantial amount of money for the club. Please call Bill Kiliam (number at the bottom of the newsletter) if you can help.




MRC Trap Club: The club has a nice new trap house that was built last year. The club voted to buy a professional grade trap thrower for the club with the intent of starting a trap-shooting league. The club is also looking to sponsor local schools, which are starting trap-shooting leagues. This is a great opportunity for the club to enhance the shooting sports and provide more enjoyment to club members. The club is looking for volunteers to act as a committee to get this all rolling.






Landowner Request: the landowners are asking for our help in keeping the culverts open on the Worth Property. It was put out that the River Buck club will keep the first culvert open and the Mad River Club has agreed to keep the second culvert open. If you are on club property and see a culvert starting to clog up please take a rake or whatever tool you have and keep the culvert open.



SECURTIY: Starting May 1st members can begin signing up for security posts. Mike Lane put out that if you want to do a security workday then you need to call him or John Malinowski before Thursday of that week to make arrangements. Their numbers are at the bottom of the newsletter. They do not want any last minute calls on Friday nights for security workdays.



REMINDER: Absolutely no vehicles are allowed on club property until May 1st. You can park outside the gates and walk in but no vehicles.




Bow Ed Class

March 26th MRC Club

Sign up at:

New York Department of Environmental Conservation

Any questions call Gary Crawford at (315) 575-7851



News Letter Editor: I am looking to step down as newsletter editor this year. If anyone is interested in this job let me or a board member know.



Damage done to our gates: It was reported that we had locks shot off from the Main Gate and the East gate. Also, somebody rammed the newly rebuilt southern gate and caused damage. This is a reminder of how important it is we carry our badges and challenge people when we are on the land.



Hunter Safety Course Instructors: We are looking for volunteers to become hunter safety instructors. If you are interested please contact Dave Dano at (315) 625-7331



Workdays: It was put out that we have many chances of getting in a workday:

Kevin Irwin (bldg and grnds chair) needs help with painting and general up keep

Bob Shelmindine has several hundred posted signs that need to go up.

Mike Lane and/or John Malinowski (security chairs) said to call them for security details.

Steve Casselbury ( camping chair)

Lawn Mowing: Call Ralph Gregory if you would like to help mow the clubs lawn.

Tim Howell (roads and trails chair) Tim has many projects for our roads and trails following this winter

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.

The phone numbers for the chairmen listed above can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.

As I get word of a workday I will post it in the newsletter and on the website.

Bill Killam (archery chairman) asked for help selling ads starting in January.



Change of Address: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email please let the club know. You can contact the newsletter editor Shawn Allen or the Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin. We have been having problems with being able to contact people.




Camp for Kids: Here is an up to date update for kids to camp 2016

As of 6:45pm on 1/11/16 I am sitting in great shape for kids to camp 2016.  We have 7 kids all set to go this year.  I want to continue to make a waiting list for 2017.  So please keep the names coming of a child age 11-17 for next year.  Tell them to give me a call anytime 315-778-2680.



Classifieds: The new website will allow me to post pictures of your items for sale. So if you want to post something, if possible send me a digital picture and I will post it on the website. (Shawn Allen email:

Kent Taber has a 2000 Magnatrac Hydro 5000C Bulldozer with 6 way blade and backhoe for sale. It’s perfect for clearing campsites, building roads/driveways, digging and moving earth. Great condition-asking $9,000.00 or B.O. Call 387-3871 for more details.



Shawn Allen has a 2011 Outback Trailer for sale. It is a 31 foot bunkhouse with outdoor kitchen and plenty of room for 6 to 8 people. I have posted a picture on the webpage under classifieds. Call 315-343-2546 for further information. Price is $17,400.00



Polaris Sportsman 550 for sale: Fran Taplin is selling a 2012 Polaris Sportsman 550 4 wheeler. It has power steering, winch, trailer hitch, 2 up seat and less than 200 miles. It has never been in the woods. They are asking $7900.00 or best offer. You can call 298-4138 or 409-6270. Picture of wheeler will be posted on the club website.



Newsletter Editor: Shawn Allen 343-2546 (591-3005) email, Assistant Newsletter Editor Todd Brown 480-5193

Club Officers: President Dave Dano 625-7331; 1st VP Kent Taber 387-3871, 2nd V.P. Dick Palmer 882-3295; Treasurer Brendan Hind 575-9285; Assistant Treasurer William Milton 315-782-9502, Secretary Mark Bishop 288-4248; Financial Secretary Rachael Pitkin 783-5455, Assistant Financial Secretary Ron McNitt 315-486-0525

Board Members: Jeffery Mosier 846-5612, Chris Conway 783-1888, Frank Hilliker 298-3004, Larry Yerdon 387-5140, Brian Dano 625-7331 cell 243-1994, Gary Daniels 488-5575, Bob Shelmidine 846-5054, Ralph Gregory 298-5171, Gary Crawford 315-575-7851

Committee Chairman: Building and Grounds Kevin Irwin 921-9500, Camping Steve Casselbury 315-481-1496, Trails Tim Howell 963-7330 Work Day Dennis Kammers 315-437-0430, Security John Malinowski 315-657-7780 or Mike Lane 315-558-0888, Entertainment Committee Lou McNett 387-5339

Archery Committee: Bill Killam 387-3350

Website of interest to MRC members;,,,




























































MAD RIVER CLUB                                                                                 PRESORT STANDARD

  1. O BOX 171                                                                                           PERMIT #22

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